Planned Giving+
Planned Giving meets ROcI
On average, only 67% of donations in America actually benefits those in need. ONLY Mission Philadelphia utilizes ROcI to leverage your donation to create a 2,000% Return On charitable Investment.
Planned Giving+ is a key tool to help Mission Philadelphia effectively achieve our Mission and Vision over the long term. Most Not-for-Profits rely exclusively on small donations from a wide donor base to fund their mission. Historically, the most successful Not-for-Profits incorporate a variety of strategies that give large donors and philanthropists choices for Planned Giving+:
Donating highly appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, or mutual funds…
Including the Not-for-Profit as a beneficiary in their estate planning...
Dedicated life insurance policies or annuities to benefit the Not-for-Profit …
For Example: A monthly donation of just $1,500 can create a legacy impact of over $1.3 Million to impact poverty
Mission Philadelphia is committed to creating a variety of avenues that philanthropists and donors can use to make a positive long-term impact on this noble and proud city.
Large Gifts
Mission Philadelphia has created an endowment with the intention of creating and funding long term projects to alleviate homelessness and hunger and drastically reduce poverty in Philadelphia. We can accept donations of highly appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a highly effective tool to leverage donations from today for a much larger payout to the beneficiary non-profit in the future, to help ensure long term success and stability. Mission Philadelphia can help arrange a life insurance policy to benefit the non-profit, while providing the insured and long-term donor with a tax deduction.
Estate Planning
Every person has the opportunity to include non-profits in their estate planning. We are happy to help you with the language required.
To set up a consultation with the leadership of Mission Philadelphia and a consulting financial professional, please call us at 855-352-HELP (4357) or email steve@MissionPhiladelphia.org