Return on charitable Investment
Philly is, unequivocally, the greatest city in America. We are #1 in Cheesesteaks, Soft Pretzels, Passionate Sports Fans and so much more. Unfortunately, we are also #1 in terms of the highest poverty rate amongst the Top 10 Cities in America.
WE THE PEOPLE of Philadelphia can do better. Mission Philadelphia will inspire and engage all stakeholders to collaborate and achieve better outcomes for ALL Philadelphians; particularly to the 25+% that live below the poverty line. The answer is NOT to simply invest more government, corporate, foundation or individual funds. We must shatter the status quo.
WE THE PEOPLE must maximize ROcI, Return On Charitable Investment to #ReImaginePhilly.
Mission Philadelphia will work strategically, tactically,collaboratively and tirelessly to transform the following WHAT Ifs in Ending Hunger and Homelessness in Philadelphia by July 4th, 2026:
WHAT IF charitable effectiveness could be increased by 5x or 50x, through educating donors on ROcI and by offering a plethora of exciting and value-based opportunities to help?
WHAT IF Not-for-Profits could reduce the amount they pay for donation processing costs by 50% and receive funds donated via credit card in the Not-for-Profits’ bank accounts in under 24 hours vs. days, weeks, or months?
WHAT IF we developed, via public/private partnerships, a program that enables the creation of thousands of new jobs that provide a true, living wage?
WHAT IF all Philadelphia Hunger and Homeless Not-for-Profits could truly partner with City/State/Federal agencies AND the private sector to cut Philly’s poverty rate by 5%, 10%, 25% or 50%?
WHAT IF we could actually PREVENT homelessness BEFORE it occurs?!?
Charitable Supply Chain Optimization
Fortune 100 companies spent $5 Billion to over $50 Billion to manage their Supply Chain. The focus should be on many important objectives, including maximizing effectiveness, reducing costs and exceeding service level agreements. These outcomes are critical for an organization to not only survive; but, also to thrive.
Why not apply the objectives and required outcomes to the Hungry and Homeless in Philadelphia? Large corporations dedicate Billions on resources such as personnel, technology, and strategic focus. Unfortunately, the Charitable Supply Chain often lacks the financial resources for staffing and technology. Furthermore, Hunger and Homeless Not-for-Profits are often focused on the urgency of feeding and housing Philadelphians in need and simply lack available bandwidth to step back and #ReImaginePhilly.
Mission Philadelphia will escalate a Building Block, CSCO, Charitable Supply Chain Optimization and work strategically, tactically, collaboratively, and tirelessly to transform the following WHAT Ifs in Ending Hunger and Homelessness in Philadelphia by July 4th, 2026:
WHAT IF we created a Mission Internship for college students by offering valuable, real-life, resume-building internships? MissionInterns can serve over the summer, during the academic term, or as a COVID-19 Gap Year.
WHAT IF we partnered with all private and public K-12 schools to ensure that every child has a healthy breakfast and lunch 365 days a year?
WHAT IF we created housing units for the homeless by hiring and training them to renovate abandoned houses into their homes, with materials donated by manufacturers and retail organizations with a public/private partnership for funding?
WHAT IF every abandoned home in Philadelphia is converted to a viable single or multi-family residence and every vacant lot is converted to a vegetable garden or park?
WHAT IF we developed, via public/private partnerships, a program that enables the creation of thousands of new jobs that provide a true, living wage?
Charitable Supply Chain Optimization
Charity as a Service
Return On charitable Investment
Charity as a Service
The pace of technological change is staggering. Baby boomers grew up performing countless daily tasks literally using pen, paper and typewriters. The advent of the smartphone has revolutionized virtually every aspect of our lives. These devices allow us to greatly improve our effectiveness, while providing virtually unlimited access to Real Time information.
However, if your homeless in Philadelphia, and with even a basic cell phone your access to the information and options to survive are extremely limited. Any information you do have about where to get meals or other life-sustaining assistance is, at best, anecdotal, and at worst, out-of-date and useless. Potential opportunities for volunteerism is often squandered as there is no “exchange” to easily, seamlessly, and effectively connect volunteers with the opportunities where and when they are needed most.
Mission Philadelphia is developing ChaaS, Charity as a Service. We are collaborating with ALL stakeholders to provide a smartphone app (and related management tools) to provide the Hungry, Homeless, Food insecure, and Neighborhood Not-for-Profits with Real Time access to resources to enable them to survive today as well as provide a springboard out of Poverty.
Mission Philadelphia works strategically, tactically, collaboratively, and tirelessly to transform the following WHAT Ifs in Ending Hunger and Homelessness in Philadelphia by July 4th, 2026:
WHAT IF a free, new smartphone app could facilitate a 3x to 10x increase in the number of volunteers ready, willing, and able to help 50+ hunger and homeless Not-for-Profits?
WHAT IF all Not-for-Profits doing food distribution to these underserved recipients knew where the homeless population would be located, at any given moment, based on time of day, day of week, weather, etc?
WHAT IF we leveraged Analytics and Data Science to best meet the needs of every person in poverty?
WHAT IF EVERY person in Philadelphia eligible for SNAP and Medicaid could actually receive their benefits (even if they don’t have an address for the cards to be sent to)?
WHAT IF we developed, via public/private partnerships, a program that enables the creation of thousands of new jobs that provide a true, living wage?